Fruit Bowl

While vacationing in Italy three years ago, I was struck by the seeming availability of fruit everywhere. After we returned home, I instituted a fruit bowl for the kitchen table. Over the last few years, it has grown more varied and elaborate, and is now one of the nicest parts of my house. Guests always comment on it. It has replaced the flowers I used to display in that spot.
Everyone in the family has a favorite fruit. My oldest son likes oranges while my youngest prefers pears. My husband is always delighted when he finds a mango. We all eat more fruit when it’s prominently displayed. I keep extras in the fridge and fill in any gaps when they appear.
Everyone should have a fruit bowl of their own. All you need to start is an attractive footed bowl. Then fill with your favorite fruits. I like some combination of bananas, apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, clementines, avocado, peaches, plums, nectarines, mangos, kiwi and grapes. Composition will vary according to the season, what looks good in the store and what happens to be on sale.
Place the largest piece fruit in the middle, and any bananas on one end, then fill in with a nice variety of shapes and colors. Odd numbers are pleasing to the eye.
Remember its a functional piece of art, so encourage your household members and guests to enjoy some fruit!